The Broken Strong
"Dance on broken glass, build castles with shattered dreams and wear your tears like precious pearls. Proud. Strong. Unshakable"-Anita Krizzan
When you finally realize that you are alone, two things happen simultaneously. One you break and then you discover a quiet strength.A strength born in silence, forged in unanswered tears and pulverized by lost hope.
It's this strength that gives you the serenity to finally understand that it's the expectations that cause the pain. Serenity comes from surrendering to the knowledge that you will not be heard, there is no one to listen to you.
At the moment, you pick your self up and gather the scattered pieces of your heart and walk tentatively. You pick up the burdens that you wished could be shared. That wish too will grow silent and you will not need anyone anymore. You will be enough and that is where you will find your destiny.
Your walls will be so high, your heart so impenetrable that nothing will ever hurt you again. You will be steel. The Phoenix who will rise from the ashes will be brighter and stronger and beyond hurt. Northing will touch you as long as you don't expect any thing from anyone. Your solitude is your only true companion.
Do not fear the solitude. Make it your strength.
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